One of the most common questions I’m asked is which Little Lovebum All-in One is best, the Everyday or Quickdry? The answer, in part, comes down to what you need from your cloth nappies. The Quickdry nappy is always a very popular product, due to some of its unique features which make it stand out from the crowd. However, it seems a lot of misnomers have sprung up about the hemp and bamboo Everyday, so I thought it is time to give you the low down from someone that has used them for quite some time.
Doesn’t the Everyday take forever to dry?
I can honestly say no, as long as you have an effective set up for drying (in my case a dehumidifier next to our clothes horse and beautiful array of Soctopi). But a well-positioned washing line on a dry day is ample.
The key to getting your Everyday nappies to dry quicker is to turn the nappy inside out so that a layer of fabric is either side of the shell (waterproof bit) and the edges of stitching are pushed upwards either end. It’s easy to forget that heat isn’t the key to drying, air circulation is. Similarly, if drying inside, cracking a window open or using a dehumidifier will mean that your nappies, or any other laundry, will dry much faster.
Will it dry as quick as a pocket nappy and it’s inserts?
Due to the design of a pocket nappy, with the inserts being removable, it is unlikely the Everyday will ever dry as quickly, however, this is often the trade off you get with all-in-ones, with the benefit being the time saved folding and stuffing at the other end!
Is it worth the extra money?
I am often asked whether the Everyday is worth it over the Quickdry, considering it is a slightly more expensive outlay to begin with. That my friend is simple economics. The Everyday is a two layered all-in-one with a quick absorbing bamboo layer and a luxurious amount of hemp underneath. It will last your baby much longer as they get older and their urine output tends to increase.
The Everyday lasts all the way up to potty training and has an incredibly slim profile and fits snuggly under your babes clothing.
Do I need to boost the Everyday?
Well that really depends, you know your little one best. My youngest is a chunk who turns two in September and a heavy wetter of quite frankly biblical proportions. For her needs, I simply place a bamboo mix or microfibre pad on top and create the holy trinity of boosting combos. The speed of the microfibre’s absorption and the thirsty capacity of bamboo and hemp means that we are guaranteed to be leak free. Depending on your baby, you may not need to boost this nappy at all.
Remember that natural fibres, when new, will take around 10 washes or so to build up to full absorbency, so the more you use it, the more absorbent it will get. Pre-washes also stiffen the bottom hemp layer just enough to keep it in place.
How long will this nappy last me?
As I mentioned before, our Hobbit is not slim. She’s the walking definition of big boned. Her main issue isn’t a belly, it’s a very broad back. However, the Everyday’s generous bum size along with a gently elasticated top binding mean that this isn’t an issue.
On that note an important thing to mention – hip poppers do not need to be done up. They are there for younger and smaller babies to keep things nice and snug. Having them undone doesn’t irritate or leave marks unless the nappy is done up too tightly.
Conversely, the extra row of rise poppers mean that these nappies will get a comfortable and snug fit on much smaller babies, even as small as 4kgs.
That’s not to say other nappies don’t have their place, but if you’re looking for an easy to use, slim fitting all-in-one with high absorbency, the Everyday is the one for you.
Written by Lauren Fogarty